martes, 3 de mayo de 2022




There are some things that have to be clearly present in our minds, regarding our catholic church, they are:   1).- Our church is one and only one, founded by Jesus Christ.   2).- Our church is  holy has santity, given by God himselve.  3).- Our church is catholic, because it is universal, for all mankind.  4).- Our church is apostolic because its knowledge and teachings are for all human kind.

IT IS ONE, clearly Jesus Christ cries to his Father: “let´s  all be one, as you and I are, let all be one thing, as you are in me,  and I am in you. On an other occasion Jesus says: “every kingdom, or house divided in oposite factions wil not subsist”. And  in his  predication says,” I also have other sheeps that do not belong to this herd, and I must pick them up, they will hear my voice and  will be one single herd and I will be their Pastor”.

“ I am the true vine, and my father is the farmer, every branch  that does not carry its fruit, He will cut it, and all those that give fruit, He will prune to bear fruit. Stay with me and I will stay with you, as the branch canot produce fruit alone, united to the vine will do”.

“ I am the vine and you are the branches, if you are united to me, and I with you, the fruit  will be a great harvest. Without me you cant have a crop”.

Saint John Crisostumus, insists: “do not separate from the Church, nothing is stronger, your hopes, your spiritual health, your refuge, is in it, never will get old, its strenght is for ever”.

THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS HOLY.-  Santity is exactly unity with God, the better this unity the more santity. The Church has been founded and loved  by Jesus Christ in accorrdance with GOD FATHER, this way it is the spouse of Jesus, and asisted by the Holy Spirit. The Church is “opus” of the Holy Trinity. It  will never disappear, the gates of hell wil never prevail against it.

Jesus Christ  not excluded sinners of the society He founded, so if some members are affected by spiritual sickness, this should not diminish our love to our Church, on the contrary it should increase our sorrow  and compasión to those members.

The Church is not governed by Peter or John, or Paul, it is governed by the Holy Spirit, and the Lord has promised, that  will be at its side, all the days until the end of times. Thy has compared it to a troul net, that gets all kind of fish, good and bad, and will trow away the bad.

THE CHURCH IS CATHOLIC.-  God wants all humanity to save its soul, to go to heaven, and have knowledgment of the truth, and Jesus as the mediator between God Father and Jesus Christ the son in the Holy Trinity, for centuries the Catholic Church has had persons of all races, and social status, but its catholicity does not depend of the geographic extensión, even if it is a visual sign and a motive of credibility, at Pentecost when being born, it is all ready universal.

We call it catholic because from one end to the other of the earth her teachings and dogmas are being taugth without defects, and teaches the same doctrine of the visible as well as the invisible, to the governants and citizens of the terrenal as well as the heavenly. It does it with the sapient and the ignorant, in all values, virtues and spirutual gifts. And of course in things done, and words.

It will be observed that any ideology or thinking are in some way related to veracity, will have in its part of truth the influence, eco, or founding  of the Catholic  permanent sapience, that comes from the Divine Revelation, and lets remember that for the loyal interpretation we have the Church Magisterium.

The Catholic Church is not a political party, or a social ideology, or an not govermental organization  (NGO),  it is the sign of the divinity of the Holy Revelation. It is not looking for concord or material progress, it is the spouse of Christ, even if persecuted, and does a tremendous work in favor of the poor,  marginalaized and  outcasts.

THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS APOSTOLIC.- Jesus Christ founded its Church based on the weak, but they were loyal and faithful, the apostles were assisted by the Holy Spirit, that was a promise to them.  Christ did tell them:  “to me was given all authority in heaven and earth, so go and intruct all people, baptize them in the name in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the things that I have commanded to you, and be certain that I will be with you until the consummation of the centuries”.

We are santified in the church after being baptized, we can access to the grace that saves, this is a great advantage to catholics. Jesus grants his grace out of his church also, due to his Divine Justice. But in our church we get all the help necessary, the guidance, the knowledment, we learn how to live in state of grace, we have the inmense help of the holy Sacraments, specially the forgiveness of sins. This is thanks to the missión of the church that is to save us, to grant the eternal salvation, if we comply with the will of God.  

Trough more than two thousand years of history in the church, the succession of the apostles is preserved, in their place we have the bishops, and the Pope that is the succession line of S. Peter, specially named by Jesus as  the first Pope of the Church.” YOU ARE PETER AND OVER THIS ROCK I  WILL BUILD  MY CHURCH”.

Peter will move to Rome in due time, and there he will found the primacy of the church. This is the reason for wich in América the protestants some times call our church ROMAN CATHOLIC .

The suprime power of the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ himself, all the rest are subdued to Thy, and taking his will, that comes from God Father as our supreme commandment.

Lets pray to our mother of heaven the Holy Virgin, to Access salvation by obeying God´s will, her help is of the outmost importance.

Jorge Casas y Sánchez.

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