martes, 12 de abril de 2022




This is an issue that has been very important alwais, but today due to several social circumstances, has become more necessary and needed than ever. In the matter of education of our sons, the parents are the first responsable, the most useful and irreplaceble in their first years, later priests, professors and else, will have important influence also. So we see the reason to prepare ourselves to perform this important part of our lives. Some of the very important things to consider are: Introduction to catholic faith, knowledment of environement, vocation, authonomy, career, responsability at home, study center, social surounding, good manners and exquicite social education etc. with the objective of having a happy life, and the eternal happiness in tho next life. This is the enormous advantage of salvation teached in cathoic families. A life full of contents, loving humanity, as Jesus Christ taugth us in the new comandment, given to his disciples as part of his final instructions: “just as I have loved you, you must also love one another”  John 13, 34.

At home children are subject to: Expectations in:  experiences, answers to environment, love, affection, sympathy, reaction to learning process, and adults are supossed to give them the tools to grow and mature. Their personalities will come out in due time, and the feeling of freedom will have a definite roll in their lives. This calls our attention in relation to the quality of teachings ,that we, as parents have to use in order to have a good catholic influence that forms their spiritual way of being, acting, living, with rectitude of intention in all their decisions, with the inner power to govern themselves, keeping away the bad influences of our own pasions, and giving space to all good acts, intentions, manners of being good persons in front of God and the human race, being example of how we must live as good catholics. All the actual problems in the world would be solved, just by living by all humans, the New Comandment, given to all us from Jesus Christ.

Overall education includes many aspects, we can mention as example besides the allready mentioned of Spiritual deep conviction, introduction to catholic faith, hope and love, moral convictions, matters as keeping good health, physical devepment, hygiene, affinity to art, good attitudes and habits in social life, possitive aproach towards work, predisposition to be be good citizens and family persons, and have preference for realy honest relations to others. As we can see, with this in mind and many other good caractheristics of a fine personality, the family education is a challenging but payable experience of life.

Following I have taken some parographs from:

 The Role of Parents in the Education of Children Ardita Ceka1* Rabije Murati2 1.Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tetova, 176 no.53A, Tetovo,1200 Macedonia 2.Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tetova,1200 Macedonia.

“ THE MOTHER AS AN EDUCATOR.- Mother is the first and the best teacher- proverb The family enables children protection in that suggestively that makes parents responsible for their developing and to make their children grow into a total personality.  The role of the woman or the mother as an educator represents a crucial resource to the development of the individual identity, which from researchers is seen even as more important as the very marital status of the parents and the occupation of the parents themselves. It seems that the feeling of being a mother, to the woman is more powerful than being a father of given child for the husband. Always in accordance to the biological as well as physiological relation of mother to the child, represents the first and reasonable part or segment of the child’s development. This for the reason that mother assures child’s life, as she is the one who brings the child in this world, and further on she raises them from being little towards reaching a total independency in mature life. The mother’s function in this regard, has a very important role which as such may be divided into two parts or directions: The first one is related to the child’s defense, while the other one to the child’s overall development. Mother’s protection as a function embeds several types of actions or types of functions. The 1st type is connected to the physical protection of the child, which means that the child must be provided healthcare and hygienic conditions, so that he/she could have a healthy life in a worm home environment in every sense of the word, including here the ambiance where the child lives, which must be well enlighten, a healthy place which offers the child to be showered, feed up and taken care in general. The 2nd type is the Psychological protection, which can be reflected through the child’s emotional security and psychological protection, especially in moments when the child feels it when the mother is next to him i.e. her. Another group of activities in this regard, are the maternal functions regarding the child’s development involving here the physical development, the intellectual development as well as the emotional development of the child. (Grancic, Radovan, 2006) Each child which grows up and is educated in the presence of mother, for sure is expected to reach an appropriate physical, psychological as well as social development. In this regard, these children have a much better appearance, the look happy and they enjoy the childhood in general. They are communicative and as such they are ready to cooperate. (Brada, Riza. 1995) For this reason, mother’s love and care to the child, is full and well completed, and as such is often accepted by other members of the very family. This type of cultivated love and affection can be qualified as a key condition for an appropriate development of the children in a given family. The children experience the physical as well as psychological effects of the mother, and as such they are taken as model which influences their further development during their emotional stage of development of their moral values as whole. This element of the so called child’s identification, the child embeds it in his/her personality for years on and on, throughout his/her total lifespan. It is planted in their character as well as temperament, and as such it is reflected through his/ her attitudes and thoughts in interaction or behavior comportment with the society in general. Almost all culture have developed arrangements which enable mothers to provide for basic child care while maintaining other duties that are instrumental to family well – being. (James, Garbarino. 1982) However, depending on the economic, social as well as emotional limitations, mothers, nowadays have a variety of opportunities to be able to reach or make real their mother’s role, which helps the child’s overall development and enables mothers to enjoy the fact of being mother. The modern experiences, show quite Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.7, No.5, 2016 63 frequent derailments from this path of action, which as such can be illustrated with the fact of single mothers, mothers coming from unemployed background, under age mother etc.”.


 “THE FATHER AS AN EDUCATOR.- The father in a family is a very important factor, concerning the organization of a nice and appropriately functional development of a house hold, with a specific accent on the children. Helping fathers be the ‘best fathers they can be’ is therefore of enormous importance to children. A god father must be a good parent and a good husband. This person is extremely important factor in the organization of the family life as a whole, which are the basic ground towards a happily and joyful family for all the members of a respective family. Many young fathers want to do things better than how they have experienced in their lives. (Claudia&Eberhard Muhlan. 2008) His presence in the family has a particular importance while it leads the family members, i.e. the children towards a feeling of safety in their life reigning on the overall family members as a compact union of members. In these circumstances of safety, the children are the ones who benefit mostly. However, the so called subjective experiencing of the parents by their children varies in different ways and family models, and as such his relevance in a family is much more different from the one that is performed by mothers. As a result of the gender prejudices in terms of the duties to be performed in their family, especially regarding their approach and contribution towards their children’s education, it turns out that mothers are more prepared to undertake their role in their children’s education, rather than their fathers. Fathers make a powerful difference in defining expectation and challenging children to do their best. (Constantine, Tammy. 1999) As such, the children learn their responsibilities and role in the family, when they themselves grow up and become parents, which is they are mature to play the father’s role in this regard. Given this theory, there has been done much research, which proves that the relationship between father and child becomes stronger. This relationship does not result to be dependent from neither of the other two relations i.e. the one between father and child neither the one mother-child. (Cowan, C. 1992) In order to have a successfully brought up and well educated children in one family, parents are crucial and they must be careful to some elements which play a key role in raising, bringing up and educating their children; Firstly, while the parent’s principal role in the family is the education and the bringing up of their children, then the main obligation of their children is to study harder and properly. For this aim, they need to be well instructed how to study, based upon rules and principles of an appropriate learning and studying. This approach would open to them the doors of the world of a behaviorist attitude towards the work, making possible for them to get to know better the relevance of working as one of the main behaviorist elements of the human kind. Secondly, the development of the child is in fact an overall child’s personality formation. The parents as educators must be able to recognize the basic features of their child, interests, temperament and especially the child’s emotional features regarding the child’s character. Thirdly, the child’s personality formation has resulted to be constructed mostly based upon child’s socialization in general. The socialization process as such, for sure nowadays represents the most important one of all other processes involved in his formation as a child. Thus, the child commences to socialize within a given society since the early stage of his/her childhood at parents’ home, circled by parental atmosphere and the relationship between family members in general. In this entourage, the child makes the first steps in the society, manifesting the basic features of behavior, which as such are the fundaments of further social development and integration of the child in a given society”. Lets pray to the holy Virgin our mother in heaven to make us good educators in the family.        JCS.

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