miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2023




There is a great personality, I am refering to a priest (RIP) that has  founded the OPUS DEI. In this oportunity my intention is to promote, to spread the knowledgment of his institution. That has done and is doing so much Good not only to the Catholic Church, but to all humanity.


In order to enter the knowledgent of the spirituality of san  Josemaría Escribá de Balaguer we can start by remembering some of the things he said.

“Our Lord and our God: For love of your son, you cause us to say with all our being, with our body and soul: He must reign”.

“As we work at our job, side by side with colleagues, Friends and relatives and sharing their intrests, we can help them come closer to Christ”.

“If we stop seeking ourselves and seek him alone, then in his name we will be able to give to oters, freely”.

“There is not a single soul in whom Christi s not interested”.

“May our souls…. Trust entirely in HER who watches over us  at all times”.

“ Lord does not depend in any way on thehuman resulto f our efforts”.

“Saint Luke the Evangelist  tells us that Jesus prayed……”.

Opus Dei, (pair of latín words that could mean “work for God” or “the work of God”). Seeks the santification of persons in ordinary life. Finding God in our usual profesional work, family life, social and sportive, activities and even in relaxing time. The doctrine of Opus Dei is to contribute to the evangelistic life being coherent in faith and our life circumstances in the santification of them.

As so many cases in a few parographs it is noy possible to aproach a complete idea of an instituton, so my recomendation is to buy, as a first step of this so interesting matter, one of the books of homilies of san Josemaría Escribá.

Jorge Casas.