miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2023




There is a great personality, I am refering to a priest (RIP) that has  founded the OPUS DEI. In this oportunity my intention is to promote, to spread the knowledgment of his institution. That has done and is doing so much Good not only to the Catholic Church, but to all humanity.


In order to enter the knowledgent of the spirituality of san  Josemaría Escribá de Balaguer we can start by remembering some of the things he said.

“Our Lord and our God: For love of your son, you cause us to say with all our being, with our body and soul: He must reign”.

“As we work at our job, side by side with colleagues, Friends and relatives and sharing their intrests, we can help them come closer to Christ”.

“If we stop seeking ourselves and seek him alone, then in his name we will be able to give to oters, freely”.

“There is not a single soul in whom Christi s not interested”.

“May our souls…. Trust entirely in HER who watches over us  at all times”.

“ Lord does not depend in any way on thehuman resulto f our efforts”.

“Saint Luke the Evangelist  tells us that Jesus prayed……”.

Opus Dei, (pair of latín words that could mean “work for God” or “the work of God”). Seeks the santification of persons in ordinary life. Finding God in our usual profesional work, family life, social and sportive, activities and even in relaxing time. The doctrine of Opus Dei is to contribute to the evangelistic life being coherent in faith and our life circumstances in the santification of them.

As so many cases in a few parographs it is noy possible to aproach a complete idea of an instituton, so my recomendation is to buy, as a first step of this so interesting matter, one of the books of homilies of san Josemaría Escribá.

Jorge Casas.

miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2023




Not only for catholics, but for all mankind, from the so ample, deep and perfect knowledgment of our church, I have picked some parrographs of Papal Enciclicals to direct the line of this message.


“The most serious duty of transmitting human life, for which married persons are the free and responsible collaborators of God the Creator, has always been a source of great joys to them, even if sometimes accompanied by not a few difficulties and by distress”

Speaking from my own experience, now at 93 years of age, having been father of five and grand father of six, I can tll you that there is more happy experience than that of seing your own family be. No doubt having five descendets for a couple married today, under normal circumstances, is seen a very difficult matter, that is the reason that we should know what our church says regarding the speciousness and amount of descendats that we want and can have.  


“The changes which have taken place are in fact noteworthy and of varied kinds. In the first place, there is the rapid demographic development. Fear is shown by many that world population is growing more rapidly than the available resources, with growing distress to many families and developing countries, so that the temptation for authorities to counter this danger with radical measures is great   Finally and above all, man has made stupendous progress in the domination and rational organization of the forces of nature, such that he tends to extend this domination to his own total being: to the body, to psychical life, to social life and even to the laws which regulate the transmission of life. This new state of things gives rise to new questions. Granted the conditions of life today, and granted the meaning which conjugal relations have with respect to the harmony between husband and wife and to their mutual fidelity, would not a revision of the ethical norms, in force up to now, seem to be advisable, especially when it is considered that they cannot be observed without sacrifices, sometimes heroic sacrifices? Such questions required from the teaching authority of the Church a new and deeper reflection upon the principles of the moral teaching on marriage: a teaching founded on the natural law, illuminated and enriched by divine revelation”.

“”The Joy of Love experienced by families is also the joy of the Church. As the Synod Fathers noted, for all the many signs of crisis in the institution of marriage, “the desire to marry and form a family remains vibrant, especially among young people, and this is an inspiration to the Church”. As a response to that desire, “the Christian proclamation on the family is good news indeed””

“” I will begin with an opening chapter inspired by the Scriptures, to set a proper tone. I will then examine the actual situation of families, in order to keep firmly grounded in reality. I will go on to recall some essential aspects of the Church’s teaching on marriage and the family, thus paving 6 the way for two central chapters dedicated to love. I will then highlight some pastoral approaches that can guide us in building sound and fruitful homes in accordance with God’s plan, with a full chapter devoted to the raising of children”. i

Hoping that this article can enligth our concept of the importance of:

.--In the first place, have the desition of marring, and not be afraid of it, since it is based on LOVE, and it is the strongest motivation tan persons can have.

.—to colaborate in keeping strong the greatest institution of Civilization, THE FAMILY, that in being   ataked in our times.

.—THE FAMILY, as you know is the fortress that can not be submited to the new forces of the economic theories that want to institute their own religión that makes mankind a modern slave, subject to the perverse circle of: work, spend, (consumism) and work more to spend more. This makes a few billionares more rich and us common persons a kind of robots that exist only to fulfill their economics and power.

.—let´s defend our believes, behavior, family, culture, freedom and dignity. Let´s be married and rise chidren that will defeat the menaces that without the strength of family would win. If we keep the family we are undefeateble, on the contrary we are the winners.

Jorge Casas.

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023

Adult blog May 12 2023.

ADULT BLOG may 12 2023.

In the continent discovered and colonized in its origins by the powerfull SPANISH EMPIRE,  separated at the times by seas at a montly distance,  in historical moments that were dificult to the spanish Crown, nevertheless the conquest was the graetest ever. Including the cristianization , the vice-royal goverment, culturicing a great numbered population. Historical memories of mankind may not do proper justice to this everlasting happenings. It was taking out of darknes to the sun many towns, cities, communities of great population. All were sanctified by the divine presence, this was acomplished by the great help of the VIRGIN OF GUADALUPE.

Persons of high rankings left spain and came to the NEW SPAIN (Nueva España), being its labor on many fields of invaluable help to bring up to civization the extensive lands of what was called afterwards América. This conquest even without resources reachazationd from Alaska to Patagonia, of course other european powers like Portugal and England came, and did their inmortal parts.

Not all was hunky-dory, not all the men that came laked ambition and  easy personal enrichment, and abuse was extended trough all the conquered land along with the legal explotation by the empire. Those were times of slavery and silver and gold minning, so you can imagine what happened, Spain received good amounts of rich metals that were spent in armies out of the Iberic Península, defending dominions, that after all were lost..

Opression in one side of the world, big spenditures on the other side, but lets value what was good for Mexico at the time. The monastic orders in accordance and financed by teh Crown, did the finest ever job of teaching and cristianization that has taken place in the world, we are speaking of several million inhabitants that from the monks and other organizations, some govermental and others by private individuals did the most extraordinary acomplishment of civilization and progress. Schools, the first university of all americas was founded by the vice-roy in mexico city, arts and crafts schools were all over as well as fruit and vegetable growers.

Working animals and other were brougth for the first time to this lands, cows, horses, burros, dogs, and many othes that had the success that can be apreciated today, and some others like potato, tomatos, sugar cane were unknoun in Eupe and taken from Mexico to that continent, with the everlasting success.

Oh mexicans, my countrymen how deep and profound is the debt of gratitude to the spaniards that we should have, instead of the hate and dispice we showsome times, it is  love and apreciation to  Spain in general what we showld have. They, the spaniards, have a deep love and admiration for us mexicans, and they show it whenever we visit our MADRE PATRIA.

Jordi Casas.

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2023





With very great hope, the Church directs its attention and maternal care to Opus Dei, which -- by divine inspiration --the Servant of God Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer founded in Madrid on October 2, 1928, so that it may always be an apt and effective instrument of the salvific mission which the Church carries out for the life of the world.

From its beginnings, this Institution has in fact striven, not only to illuminate with new lights the mission of the laity in the Church and in society, but also to put it into practice; it has also endeavored to put into practice the teaching of the universal call to sanctity, and to promote at all levels of society the sanctification of ordinary work, and by means of ordinary work. Furthermore, through the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, it has helped diocesan priests to live this teaching, in the exercise of their sacred ministry.

Since Opus Dei has grown, with the help of divine grace, to the extent that it has spread and works in a large number of dioceses throughout the world, as an apostolic organism made up of priests and laity, both men and women, which is at the same time organic and undivided -- that is to say, as an institution endowed with a unity of spirit, of aims, of government and of formation -- it has become necessary to give it a juridical configuration which is suited to its specific characteristics. It was the Founder of Opus Dei himself who, in 1962, in a humble and trusting petition, asked the Holy See to grant an appropriate ecclesial configuration to the Institution, bearing in mind its true nature and theological characteristics, and with a view to a greater apostolic effectiveness.

From the time when the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council introduced into the legislation of the Church, by means of the Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis, n. 10--which was made effective by the Motu proprio Ecclesiae Sanctae, I, n. 4--, the figure of the personal Prelatures, to carry out specific pastoral activities, it was seen clearly that this juridical figure was perfectly suited to Opus Dei. Therefore, in 1969, Our Predecessor Paul VI, of beloved memory, graciously accepting the petition of the Servant of God Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, authorized him to convoke a special General Congress to begin, under his guidance, the study necessary for a transformation of Opus Dei, in keeping with its nature and with the norms of the Second Vatican Council.

We ourselves expressly ordered that this study should continue, and in 1979, We requested the Sacred Congregation for Bishops, which was the competent Congregation, by virtue of the matter involved, to examine the formal petition presented by Opus Dei, following a careful study of all the relevant facts and legal data.

In carrying out the task entrusted to it, the Sacred Congregation carefully examined the matter, taking into account the historical, and also the juridical and pastoral aspects. Thus, having completely eliminated all doubts about the basis, and the possibility, and the specific manner of granting the petition, it became abundantly clear that the desired transformation of Opus Dei into a personal Prelature was opportune and useful.

Therefore, We, with the plenitude of Our apostolic power, having accepted the opinion which Our Venerable Brother the Most Eminent and Most Reverend Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for Bishops had expressed to Us, and making good, in so far as it is necessary, the consent of those who have, or think they have some competence in this matter, command and desire the following to be put into practice.


Opus Dei is erected as a personal Prelature, international in ambit, with the name of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei, or, in abbreviated form, Opus Dei. The Sacerdotal Society of the Holy Cross is erected as a clerical Association intrinsically united to the Prelature.


The Prelature is governed by the norms of general law, by those of this Constitution, and by its own Statutes, which receive the name "Code of particular law of Opus Dei".


The jurisdiction of the personal Prelature extends to the clergy incardinated in it, and also only in what refers to the fulfillment of the specific obligations undertaken through the juridical bond, by means of a contract with the Prelature to the laity who dedicate themselves to the apostolic activities of the Prelature: both clergy and laity are under the authority of the Prelate in carrying out the pastoral task of the Prelature, as established in the preceding article.


The Ordinary of the Prelature Opus Dei is its Prelate, whose election, which has to be carried out as established in general and particular law, has to be confirmed by the Roman Pontiff.


In accordance with Art. 117 of the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium, the Prelature depends on the Dicastery for the Clergy, which, according to the subject matter, shall evaluate the relative questions with the other Dicasteries of the Roman Curia. The Dicastery for the Clergy, in dealing with the various questions, shall make use of the competencies of the other Dicasteries through appropriate consultation or transfer of files.


Each year the Prelate shall submit to the Dicastery for the Clergy a report on the state of the Prelature and on the fulfilment of its apostolic work.


The central Government of the Prelature has its offices in Rome. The oratory of Our Lady of Peace, which is in the central offices of the Prelature, is erected as a prelatic church.

The Most Reverend Monsignor Alvaro del Portillo, canonically elected President General of Opus Dei on September 15, 1975, is confirmed and is appointed Prelate of the personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei, which has been erected.

Finally, We designate the Venerable Brother Romolo Carboni, Titular Archbishop of Sidone and Apostolic Nuncio in Italy, for the opportune execution of all the above, and confer on him the necessary and opportune faculties, including that of subdelegating--in the matter in question -- in any ecclesiastical dignitary, with the obligation of sending, as soon as possible, to the Sacred Congregation for Bishops, an authentic copy of the act which testifies to the fact that the mandate has been carried out.

All things to the contrary notwithstanding.

Given in Rome at Saint Peter's, on the 28th of November, 1982, the fifth of Our Pontificate.


Secretary of State


Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for Bishops

Iosephus Del Ton, Protonotary Apostolic

Marcellus Rossetti, Protonotary Apostolic

Loco + Plumbi

(n Indicates that the text has been updated)

Original wording of the articles modified by His Holiness Pope Francis (cf. Apostolic Letter issued "Motu Proprio" Ad charisma tuendum, July 14, 2022, effective August 4, 2022):


The Prelature is under the Sacred Congregation for Bishops, and will also deal directly with the other Congregations or Departments of the Roman Curia, according to the nature of the matter involved.


Through the Sacred Congregation for Bishops, the Prelate will present to the Roman Pontiff, every five years, a report on the state of the Prelature, and on the development of its apostolic work.

Note: Recently this Prelature will report to the Congregation for the Clergy, and his report will be every year. This acordingly to the Reform of the Roman Curia.

Comment: The most important things about OPUS DEI are its carismas, they are identical, there is no change at all, it is a matter of administration in the Reform of the Roman Curia, so there is no need of being worried.

Compiled by,   Jorge Casas.