miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2023




Not only for catholics, but for all mankind, from the so ample, deep and perfect knowledgment of our church, I have picked some parrographs of Papal Enciclicals to direct the line of this message.


“The most serious duty of transmitting human life, for which married persons are the free and responsible collaborators of God the Creator, has always been a source of great joys to them, even if sometimes accompanied by not a few difficulties and by distress”

Speaking from my own experience, now at 93 years of age, having been father of five and grand father of six, I can tll you that there is more happy experience than that of seing your own family be. No doubt having five descendets for a couple married today, under normal circumstances, is seen a very difficult matter, that is the reason that we should know what our church says regarding the speciousness and amount of descendats that we want and can have.  


“The changes which have taken place are in fact noteworthy and of varied kinds. In the first place, there is the rapid demographic development. Fear is shown by many that world population is growing more rapidly than the available resources, with growing distress to many families and developing countries, so that the temptation for authorities to counter this danger with radical measures is great   Finally and above all, man has made stupendous progress in the domination and rational organization of the forces of nature, such that he tends to extend this domination to his own total being: to the body, to psychical life, to social life and even to the laws which regulate the transmission of life. This new state of things gives rise to new questions. Granted the conditions of life today, and granted the meaning which conjugal relations have with respect to the harmony between husband and wife and to their mutual fidelity, would not a revision of the ethical norms, in force up to now, seem to be advisable, especially when it is considered that they cannot be observed without sacrifices, sometimes heroic sacrifices? Such questions required from the teaching authority of the Church a new and deeper reflection upon the principles of the moral teaching on marriage: a teaching founded on the natural law, illuminated and enriched by divine revelation”.

“”The Joy of Love experienced by families is also the joy of the Church. As the Synod Fathers noted, for all the many signs of crisis in the institution of marriage, “the desire to marry and form a family remains vibrant, especially among young people, and this is an inspiration to the Church”. As a response to that desire, “the Christian proclamation on the family is good news indeed””

“” I will begin with an opening chapter inspired by the Scriptures, to set a proper tone. I will then examine the actual situation of families, in order to keep firmly grounded in reality. I will go on to recall some essential aspects of the Church’s teaching on marriage and the family, thus paving 6 the way for two central chapters dedicated to love. I will then highlight some pastoral approaches that can guide us in building sound and fruitful homes in accordance with God’s plan, with a full chapter devoted to the raising of children”. i

Hoping that this article can enligth our concept of the importance of:

.--In the first place, have the desition of marring, and not be afraid of it, since it is based on LOVE, and it is the strongest motivation tan persons can have.

.—to colaborate in keeping strong the greatest institution of Civilization, THE FAMILY, that in being   ataked in our times.

.—THE FAMILY, as you know is the fortress that can not be submited to the new forces of the economic theories that want to institute their own religión that makes mankind a modern slave, subject to the perverse circle of: work, spend, (consumism) and work more to spend more. This makes a few billionares more rich and us common persons a kind of robots that exist only to fulfill their economics and power.

.—let´s defend our believes, behavior, family, culture, freedom and dignity. Let´s be married and rise chidren that will defeat the menaces that without the strength of family would win. If we keep the family we are undefeateble, on the contrary we are the winners.

Jorge Casas.

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