domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2021

GAUDIUM ET SPES, in english it means, "JOY AND HOPE".


THE II VATICAN COUNCIL, INICIATED IT WORKS THE 11 OCTOBER 1962, and produced several important documents, one of them the Gaudiun et Spes, here you will find its synthesis.


Summary of Guadium et Spes – Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World By: Deacon Ed Sheffer Cardinal Montini stood before the Second Vatican Council and stated: The Church is nothing by itself. It is not so much that the Church has Christ but that Christ has the Church to carry on his work of bringing salvation to all. The Pastoral Constitution on the Church was prepared with the purpose in mind to provide both Christians and non-Christians with some understanding of deep insights into the world and to raise a conciseness to the need to improve it. No document of Vatican II changed so radically: there were four complete rewrites. Many questions were raised, so that the Church and society might work together to resolve them. The Fathers of Vatican II labored very hard at trying to get a better grasp of humanity and comprehend the deeper responsibilities of being human: What is God’s plan for humanity? Clearly, humans were not created to live for themselves, life rests in relationships. To live more fully, the priority of life is to be focused on truth, justice, freedom, and love. Christ established the Church to serve humanity in this pursuit and to help those who seek holiness. In the end life is about sharing the mystery of God’s awesome love. Document Summary The unchangeable truths are: the world is God’s creation and is sustained by God, and the world was freed from sin by Christ and is continually recreated and brought to its destiny under the power of the Holy Spirit. In light of the Gospel, the Church is to offer the human race the saving resources given to it by Christ. The Church is to seek to provide meaningful answers to the questions people have about life. The creative energies of people and their intellect produce social transformation, some good and some bad. There is a spiritual deficiency in the world. Societies are rapidly being transformed. People want things to happen now, they are not satisfied in waiting and in many cases don’t mature at a rate equal to what they desire. Traditions and values are being lost. Moral conflicts are escalating as a result of a false way of living, and people’s moral conscience is playing less and less of a role. Oppression and neglect for the poor is escalating. This is at the heart of the world’s mistrust and division. The world is capable of acts that uplift life and acts that destroy life. This situation is rooted in ambition. There is an addiction to material things. In the end material things will never provide lasting happiness. Yet, there are many who desire to know what the purpose of life is. The Church believes that in pursuing Christ we can find answers to this question. Finding answers to life’s problems rests in Jesus. Lying beneath all chaos rests the unchanging and loving God. Part One – The Church and Man’s Vocation We must try and understand the needs, events, and desires of the world. Who are we? What do we need to do better as a society? What do the actions and thoughts of the world mean? How can the world better fulfill God’s will? How can I? Chapter One – The Dignity of the Human Person The dignity of being human stems from being created in God’s image. This image is severely damaged by sin and purchased back at a heavy price by Christ. We are composed of body and soul; we are to love them both. We progress as we seek heavenly truth, seeing beyond what our eyes reveal. There is a law of love written in our heart. There is an inner voice that calls us to love God and humanity. We have an ability to choose God or not. Not choosing God is what in the end eliminates that which binds us to God. Some deny the existence of God, some don’t care if there is a God or not, and some are so proud that their ego allows for little faith in God. The truth of life rests in the mystery of God. In Christ sorrow and death take on meaning. In following Jesus we learn to love in such a way that our truest self is revealed. Chapter Two – The Community of Mankind We find our truest self when we seek what is good not only for us, but for all. The progress of one life goes handin-hand with the progress of society. Economies, politics, and the pursuit of social status contribute to much of the conflict in the world. The inherent nature of these can often breed pride and selfishness. This can only be overcome with the help of grace. Good prevails when people have access to food, clothing, shelter, freedom, the right to have a family or not, employment, education, a sound name, privacy, to follow one’s conscience, and a choice to choose God or not. Society improves based on truth, and survives on justice and love. Those most in need must be heard, and that great need should disturb the conscience of humanity. Life is to be preserved and elevated at all cost. We must learn to love and respect those who think differently than us. In accepting them we should seek to understand, and in understanding we can seek out truth. Those we know to be in error are to be loved even more fervently. We never have the right to judge the heart of another. Many will seek to elevate their stature in life, but the truth is there is basic equality in all humanity. Each of us is responsible to fulfill the call to live justly and to walk in love always. God created us to be social, and we are bound together. Chapter Three – Man’s Activity in the Universe Through work we can develop ourselves as individuals. A person though is truly valued by who they are, not by what they do. It is also true that whatever is done to promote justice and dignity is infinitely more valuable than

hat is technologically created. Peace is threatened wherever self-centeredness exists. The hope of the world rests in love. Chapter Four – The Role of the Church The Church is the sign of the presence of God. The Church exists because of God’s love for us. Unity is to be sought through the Church. God leads us to His truth. Through the Word of God the Church proclaims the rights of humankind. Divine law always has precedence over human laws. The Church’s greatest responsibility and challenge is to promote and attain unity. One cannot separate faith from secular life. When we disagree, we should not attempt to persuade someone as if we are speaking for God and His Church. We need to enter into honest discussion with mutual love and respect. Christ was, is, and always will be the center of the Church.

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