miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2021





We have to learn how to get kowledge from the gospel, it is the Word of God, revealed by Jesus Christ himself to his apostols, during his personal precense in this earth. We will take only one example that will show us how to pray, to contemplate, frases and teachings direccted to his disciples, by Jesus Christ.

After some of his diciples had left him, because they had not understood his messege, He asked those who still were with him: How about you, do you want to leave me also? Peter took the word and answerd, to whom would be us  going Lord?, only you have words of eternal life.  

To whom would be us going Lord?, Peter´s words are full of meaning that we can contemplate, first he is admiting that there is no one to whom appeal, that could be more appropiate than God, in this case the second person of the holy Trinity, the son of God Father. This lesson is for all times, today we can not draw upon, and will never be able to turn up, but to God, and the best way to do it will be guided by the hand of our Mother in Heaven, the Holy Virgin, Mother of God Christ.

Only you have words of eternal life, St. Peter here is showing how convinced is him of the divinity of Jesus Christ, his conviction is absolute free, his words are comming from the bottom of his heart, he is not thinking of what a leader like him should say in front of his companions, he is expressing his most profound feelings and his faith, also those are words of disapproval of the actitude of the ones that had left. And the reference of eternal life is full of meaning of his beliefs and convictions.

This should give us a perspective in our own life, questions like,  what we are here for?, why did God created us?, do God loves me? What God expects from me?,  How is my inner freedom, what is the meaning of eternal life?. Lets meditate shortly on this matters.

We are here because we were created, our material body comming from our mother and father and our spiritual soul by God himself, and the purpuse cannot be other than love, yes love of God. All creatures when created are an act of love, there is no other reason, and in the case of the human persons there is an enormous difference with other creatures, due to be created at the image and likeness of God, this is something that can take us trough libraries, the Bible and many treaties, and the answer will allwais be the same, if we are speaking of the truth. Wrong theories will allwais exist, but are nullities.

God acting in his love created our first parents in a state of justice and perfect nature, that they broke, sining, adviced by the devil, and us, their offspring inherited this original sin and a defective nature. But he kept in us our own  free will, our liberty to be good and if so get an eternal life of happiness in his company, and very important the capability of defending us from the acts of the devil. If there are bad persons, that commit bad things, and are against the will of God, it is a result of not using that part of our liberty, our freedom, to refuse the handling of the devil.

Thy only expects from us to be able to find our happiness in serving his will, and this is the most perfect way of living this life, before the Eternal Life, that Thy has prepared for us.

This is only a short simple of how we can find ways of meditation fom many passages of the Gospel. There are many sayings that and many times and in different ways , give us the opportunity of meditation  wich is  a daily custom of praying, very appreciated by God.

One advice that comes useful to help our meditatios is the use of the “Catechism of Catholic Doctrine”. This is a treasure that comes among many othes documents, from the Vatican Council II,  and special thanks to St Jhon Paul II, hat decided its formation, it is so necessary and important, that every home should have it,  its index can show us where to consult whatever we are looking for. It is the most complete book on our doctrine, and we will alwais find it a perfect tool, a most useful way of getting the information that we need.

Lets pray to the Holy Virgin Mary to help us in our contemplations.

Jorge Casas y Sánchez.

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