sábado, 3 de julio de 2021




We will be  seeing some of the taugths of Saints like Saint Thomas and Saint Agustine, on the Lord´s Prayer, and to start, we do it with the prayer itself.  After we will exam sentence by sentence.

“Our father wich art in heaven,  Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not , into temptation, but deliver us from devil”. –Matt, VI, 9-13.

It was necessary that Jesus Christ should teach his apostols  how to pray, they asked  for it, and that they brougth that knowledge to us christians. His teaching was a way to produce at its maximun, our hope in God, and He would not hear from us something that Thy would not listen to. So this magnificent prayer of the Sunday´s Mass, exposes  all we have to expect from our hope, and what and how our hope has to rest in God, and to Thy we have to direct our prayers.

Our fathervwich art in heaven. This is the prayer that Jesus Christ, taugth his apostols, when they asked him, how to pray, and Saints like  Augustine and The Aquinas have things to let us, about it. It calls our attention that Jesus tells his apostols to call Thy Lord “our Father”,  being that He is the only Son of God, nevertheless  has won for us,  all mankind,  to be adopted sons of the Lord, this is a very important  inheritance from Jesus Christ, to all mankind, past, present and to come, because he suffred death for all. As well as in the Cross he gave us his own Mother, as our Mother in Heaven. Let us then consider, beloved, whose children we have begun to be, and see how our Creator has condescended to be our Father, an eternal inheritance.

Hallowed be Thy name, holy Thy name in us, for once we were not holy, but He has alwais been, it is for ourselves that we pray, it is by us that his name must be hollowed, in order to have us, what He does not need, since Thy has all the goods we can imagine, and we need all the goods, starting with a life of saints, passing trough:  health, home, food, etc. Also in this part of the prayer we are asking to improuve our knowledgment of God, that it becomes as perfect as posible.

Thy kingdom come,  his kingdom is eternal and it is wether , we ask for it or not that it would come since it has no beginning, and not will have an end. In this prayer, we also ask for ourselves, believing in Him, and the progress we make in our faith, taking in account that all mankind was redeemed by the blood of his only Son, so be his kingdom, to all redemed. At the Parousia of Jesus Christ, He will call some to his right and others to his left, and to those called to the rigth He  will say: “Come ye blessed of my Father, receive the kingdom”.  This is what we ask for when we pray “thy kingdom come”, that we are caled to the rigth.

Thy Will be done as in heaven, so in earth. It is the Will of God,  that the wicked be dammed and the good shall reign. For that He gave us the dignity of his image, bein us capable of elevate ourselves  to know and love Him. In Heaven the Trinity of God and all his creatures are hollowed, loved, admired, etc. between them and with God above all, that is His Will, and in earth we all should try to do alike. We recon that God is the ultra: power, love, beuty, goodness, justice, etc. He is in Heaven and this shows us that he has the power needed to give solution to our needs, if they are pointed, in some way, to our salvation.

Give us this day our  daily bread. In this part of the prayer we ask not for us only, but for all man kind, specially the poor, and we ask from him not only what we need as eat,  but also the sacred bread of his body, that is Comunion. We need it over the eats of our body. Receiving Thy in the Sacrement of Eucaristy  we are nourished in our spiritual soul. We will receive as we deserve, and we will deserve  if we ask properly, that is being in grace, and asking not on terrenal wishes, but at the eyes of God, Thy concedes what is pointed to grant  our salvation.

And forgive us our debts,as we forgive our debtors. It is of good being to forgive. Those who have not been just, or well educated, and fail to deal properly with us, some how Gods justice will punish, but us in eart should pardon. Lets  not be confused with the Legal Justice that should reign among men. If some one does wrong, agaist a just law, he will be judged in earth in some way. And will pay with time in jail or similar. We mankind are not perfect, we all have shortcommings, defects, and many times do not see them happen, and even without knowing it, we are pardoned. So lets love be in us, in our relations with others, and not hate. If we do not forgive the others, how can we espect to be forgiven by God ?.


And lead us not, into temtation, but deliver us from the devil. We are week, since our nature was mistreated by Adan and Eve, God knows that better than us, but if we contributet what is  necessary from our part, trying to be good, we will find that God wants to help us, alwais in relation to our salvation. Temptation is not bad in itself, what is bad, and very bad is to accept it, to rejoyce in it,  and find pleasure in it, it is sin, but since temptation will many times atack us, we have to make the necessary efforts to defeat it. Our Mother in heaven the Holy Virgin is of great help, to avoid temptation if we appeal to Her. Of course it comes from the devil, but it will never be stronger than us. God has given us the tools necessary to defeat the devils acts.

Prepared by Jorge Casas.

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