sábado, 24 de abril de 2021




After the introducction to this theme we will have parts of a converted muslim to christianity.

When we experience the love of God, his love for us , and our love for thy, we feel some how that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity is the most close to us, this is natural, since this Second Person, became a perfect man. Lived among us humans, and being God at the same time. This is due to all the things he did and left for us forever, we can mention, the Gospel, te Sacraments, the Doctrine, etc. that will stay among us until the end of times, Thy will be with us, in his real own presence in the Eucharist. The Sacrament of the comunium is:  Thy, God, with its holyness, his resucitated and glorious body, his human soul, his humanity, that decided to institute the Sacrament to visit us, to embrace us with His presence in us, presence of the Holy Trinity in our soul.


These are parts of the intervieu with Timo Aytac Güzelmansur.

Q.-  How did your conversion to Catholicism come about.

A.- “I began to approach the Christian faith at the age of 18, after meeting a Christian with whom I became friends……I come from a Muslim family…….. After  my encounter with some Chistians I began to read the Bible, in particular the New Testament, And I was inmediately fascinated by the person of Jesus. This fascination wich still overwelms me, and the surprise (because of the wonder) that Jesus loves me so much, as to go upon the Cross and give his life for me, are the reasons why I became a Christian”.

As you can imagine this brougth Timo different reactions with his family and friends, it took certain distancing with his father, frieds broke off all contact, so I emigrated. In two years I decided to be baptized and took the Christian name of Timothy.

Q.- What aspect of Chistianity struck you the most?

A.- I converted to Christianity because of Christ, as I have allready said, what still fascinates me is the love of Jesus for men. He loved us to the point of giving himself for us on the Cross. If Jesus gives his life for me, how can I respond? For me tis represents the fundamental question, and it seems logical for me to repay this love by following Christ and receivng Baptism.

Q.-  Are there aspects of Islam that you consider positive?

A.-  Islam is not a homogéneos religión. Within it we may find many religious currents and diverse cultural imprints, and all of them are presented as islamic……..there are however, various aspects in Islam that I cannot accept, like for example the relationship between man and woman, the unclear relationship with force, the often cited concept of “Holy war”.

Q.- Is peaceful coexistence between Chistian and Muslims posible?

A.-  Yes, I think that it is posible, in part because I have the impression that both  in Europe and in Turky everyone knows Little about the other. We often live close to one another but not with the other. We must show more interest in the others by exchanging our religious experiences . As persons seeking the will of God  we have many global challenges that we can overcome only together.

It seems to me that weigth of history is bearing down even more  upon us and upon the  possibility of knowing one another. This is nonetheless the time, as Vatican Council II said in the document “Nostra Aetate” on the religions, to leave aside the past, in order to seek to understand one another sincerily and mutually, and to support together the promotion and protection of social rigths, wich are moral goods; not last, among these rigths, peace and freedom for men. We must have the courage to approach one another.

He tells us regarding convertions of musims to cristianity, in the first place he mentions that the profound  religioun sensibility of them, when having the oportunity of knowing Cristianity, in their seek of God, they find the peace and acceptance, as a new ítem a new discovery. Other reasons are the will to integrate completly, and this includes the acceptance of creeds of the majority.

He feels a great sorrow due to the christians that are slained in muslim countries or by muslims in not islamic places, and comments the rice of Young people, that do not want to be exploited by the power of the state, they want more freedom for their wrigths.

Finnaly he argues that there is need of more education and formation, with voices of opposition to fundamentalism, that are also in in great need.

Taken from the intervieu done by Lorenzo Fazzini with help of Antonio Ripamonty.

Prepared by Jordi Casas.

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