lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2020




Praying is the most important activity that a human person can have. There is no other activity that can be called better than it.  So we should not miss our daily time dedicated to God,  concentrated on Christ of course. Thereis a wide panorama of forms of prayer, all with beneficent effects, personal, to the human living society, and for those in purgatory. ¿Why concentrated in Christ?, lets follow this advice from the Church, “the best way to God Father is trough the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, with the Holy Virgen, Mother of God Jesus Christ, son of the Living Father”.

It is our faith that prepares us to speak with the Trinity, we could say: “chat with God”, due to the confidence that we have with thy. And there are many things to chat about, our happenings, our family, the difficulties of life, our needs, the needs of the others, our main concerns of piety, mortificatios, acomplishments, our professional activity, the proper and others health, for peace,in the world, the Pope, the Church, remembering the death, and a long Etc., remembering that by ourselves alone we can not acomplish any thing, but with God´s help we could move mountains. Some times it may be necessary to be guided, by readings, it is a good idea to have the Gospels              at hand, and other apropiate books,  nothing is better for us than being evangelical persons.

Our testimony of our believes, is an example to others, that in no way can be better showed than in our behavior inspired by love, our love of God, must grow to loving thy creatures, specially the humans, and after that the natural world, that we should treat in the best of our capacity, keeping it as clean of contamination as posible. It is a task, not easy, not agreeable some times, but it is what takes us to Christian adulthood, and gain of inner mayurity, if, to this way of life, we add the frecuency of Sacraments, and prayer, we are in the way to salvation, ¿what can beat this? Noting absolutely.

Christ risen from the dead after his Passion gave his apostols, several advices, one episode of those forty days that he spent among us, before his elevation to God Father, was in a mount, we do not know wich, but we know that in order to pray he, on many times went to  mounts, since there he found the lonlyness, and tranquility, he wanted so as to pray. In this opportunity he told his apostols, among other things: “go and predicate all men, all razes and baptism them in the name of the Father,  and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them all what I have ordered you”, and in those orders, there was,  that of praying.

After they returned from the mount, they were together  in hope, waiting to the promise received,  that in due time would take place, they were in prayer when at the Pentecostes celebration the Holy Spitit  came to them.

In our life, praying, is something that God expects from us, it is said that praying is talking to God, and listening to what he has to say to us. Lets have frecuent daily conversatios with our Lord.

Jorge Casas y Sánchez.

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