domingo, 7 de junio de 2020


Confirmation. This Sacrament seals what took effect in our Baptism, there we became adoptive children of God, by full rigth, and inherited the benefits of his love, promises and Redemption. We acquire a particular relationship with Lord Jesus, we are consecrated  as his witnesses in his Church and the world. So he hopes from us a behaviour dedicated to the well-being of the others and ourselves.
We must be responsable, dedicated and loyal servants of the Gospel, seeking the identity and knowledgment of the Word of God.  And Confirmation of the adult brings us to the capacity of it.
Children are not masters of themselves, but adulthood, is the time when we all have to spread the profound and comprehensive knowledgment of catholic doctrine, it is our fate
Catechesis is something that we all can do, simply due to the fact that there will alwais be others that know less than us, starting with our children. It is our love of God and its creatures that gives us the moto to do it, and for us it is a gain in relation to our salvation.
It is notorious how many adults ask in their parishes to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, the reason for not having been Confirmated may be one or the other, now what realy is significant is to be ready and willing to receive the Sacrament. Ussually it is required to have taken the pre-sacramental lectures, being this very convenient. So, if you are or know of some adult that has not been confirmed, do not hesitate and prepare to receive it, in your case or do the favor to someone else. She or he will be greatful for the rest of its life.
Jorge Casas Sánchez.

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