sábado, 2 de mayo de 2020


EASTER, It is the most important of liturgical seasons, it goes for 50 days, starting on Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost Sunday also called the PASCHA TIME, being the most important liturgical time, even over Christmas  due to the celebration of the end of the missión Jesus Crhist had, here on the earth It is a time of joy, the most happyness that a Catholic must have, because it speaks of salvation, and shows us the inmense love of God for each and every one of us, taking in account the perfection of such love. It ens in the most marvelous happening, that is, the comming to us of the Holy Spirit, over the apostolic group arround the Virgin Mary. This is why it also is a time of wait, due to the warranty, the promise of Jesus, that the Church of  Christ will grow, and that it will be saint, inspired, taken care of,  and each day more wise and sapient.
All persons fron the Holly Pope, to the must humble faithfull church goer, we receive the motions of the Holy Spirit, that take us to the true love of god and its creatures, specialy our fellows.
It is a time of prayer, of thankfullness, of happy praying, and positive actions, of the kind that please God, it is a time in wich we remember Jesus Crhist more tan in its crucifiction, on the very happy happenings, like the bread distribution, the miraculos fishing, instead of remembering Him at the agony of Getsemani or its painfull passion.
It is regreatfull that so many persons are infected by the Corona virus pandemia, and we have to keep them in mind, and nothing better we can do that pray for them, along with all the persons that are doing labors of help, and lets try, inmersed in this tragedy, to espect with joy and optimism, the victory over this difficult stage of our existence. Lets do it in the company of Saint Peter and the Holy Virgin.
This is the perfect opportunty to see that in the middle of the suffering, that we feel empaticly for our fellows, the true happiness is not lost, this means that in the middle of these feelings of sorrow, we can enjoy fortune for the celebration about the most important and great of all events in human history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord. An example of these fillingas are similar to those in a family where in the middle of the mourning for the grandma,  there is the cheerfulness of the birth of a new member of the family.
Lets share both situations now, due to the annoying that the pandemia brings with its human and material loses, and the fortune of the Resurrection Easter.
Jorge Casas y Sánchez.

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