martes, 4 de febrero de 2014


It has been some months that the “YEAR OF THE FAITH that Benedicto XVI was declared ended (12 October 2012 to 24 november 2013) at the day of the festivity of Jesuschrist King of the Universe, and without doubt the beneficts that it had are of the greatest importance, much was written and much was gained by us all catholics due to the wonderfull information about faith that we received trough different channels. Its opening day was at the 50 years anniversary of the opening of the Ecumenic Concilium and the 20 years of the launching of the Cathesism of our Doctrine.

As it was signaled by Benedicto XVI, Jesus is the center of the Cristian Faith, catholics beleive in God trough Jesus that revealed himself as son of God., being also a perfect man, and that was written in the scriptures centuries before it happened, He is the interpreter and complimentary of what was written, as well as what the profets said about his mother, the way He was conceived, what he came to do, the announcement of the “Kingdom of God” here, among us. He was the protagonist of the Divine Revelation, that explains and gives plennitud to the Old Testament, gives us the true doctrine from his father trough the Gospels, He founded his Church (“Ecclessia”) and its hierarchy, with Perer as the first Pope and the apostols as the Magistry of the “Ecclessia”, and it has since been the institution responsable for the keeping of the true doctrine that exists trough the time, and will continue until the end of the times under the inspiration of the holy spirit, that is the greatness of our Ecclessia. He left us the Holy Sacraments that are the chanels trough by wich we receive the God´s Grace that saves us to heaven, and it is most indispensable since without God´s Grace there is not salvation.

The Year of the Faith renewed in us the purpuse of announcing God to the others as did with the first catholics in the ancient Ecclessia. The contemporary human kind has more necessity than ever in history of being cathequesied due to the great amount of distractors that technology has brougth to our way of life, our spirit is occupied in so many new and atractive and realy surprising issues that technology ofers us, that mankind seems to be in no need of God any more, and that is our greatest mistake. New efforts have to be done by the catholics that have kept its faith to help others that have been distracted and are loosing it. Christ is calling us to confess our faith and be testimonials of it, with conviction, confidence and hope, and doing what in every bodie´s capacity is possible that is living an operative faith, we are being sent to chistianice in our place, where ever we live, work or socialise, not only by our example, but also by calling others to live accordingly, Pope Francius is telling us in “LUMEN FIDEI”, that is his “Enciclica” that it is urgent to recuperate the luminous caracter belonging to faith, since when its flame dimishes, other flames do alike, faith (he says) teaches that every person is a benediction to him because the ligth in Gods face iluminates trough the face of the brother, and this allouds also to identify respect to nature and the just forms of goverment and obliges to practice patience and compromise.

1.-Advices given for the aftermath of the year of faith As Sait Paul says “with our heart we believe and with our mouth we give public testimony” and as such we have to be congruent.

2.-The Cathesism of our Ecclessia is at reach, make it your bed time book. So as to read and meditate it.

3.- Read and live the the Creed, meditate it frecuently.

4.-Be concious of the enormous value of faith, get profit of invitation of the Lord made trough his Ecclessia to know better our faith, and communicate with other persons to influence them in such. This generation seems to have forgotten its origin and destiny.
5.-Get closer to your church, there is the testimony of faith.

6.-Remember we must start with the closer ones, our family.

7.-Lets not forget to pray to God that he increases our own faith.

8.-Do consultation on:

Jorge Casas y Sanchez.

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