miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011


Its well known that the highest summits of thought that the human race has reached were in the times of Socrates , Plato and Aristotle. But since they were pre-Christian they lacked the knowledge contained in the Divine Revelation, specially the one that Jesus himself left to us personally, so let´s meditate only in a few issues from this Divine Revelation that could not be thought by humans, and only came to our knowledge, thanks to the word of Jesus. As examples we can mention God´s trinity of persons in one Divine Nature, and the creation of all humans as image and resemble of God.
In a similar way we can mention the creation by the sole God´s will an it´s providence that not only creates but preserves the order of the universe. Creation is not only what we can see or imagine and that is related to matter , or not, and  it includes  issues like the existence of entities due to the need to “invent”  existence itself, also time had to be created, since  before time existed, there could not  be time at all. Every thing we know is subject to time and existence, except God who created them, and is, not only exists, as He Himself said. He is who He is. Creation includes heaven, hell and universe, the good angels and the bad ones the traitors and disrespectful of God, that suffer in eternity. And among this all manhood is created as a person with a material body and a spiritual soul, a flesh that will follow the laws of matter and an eternal spirit created for each and every one of the conceived persons of humanity, !created at the moment of conception! Is this not amazing? “”God acting in the creation of a new soul at the moment of the creation of a new human being by it´s parents, God and mankind acting together.””  Humans are, due to their spiritual soul, created for eternity,
One of the most difficult things to be understood, even by scientists without faith is that mankind is the only creature besides the angels in heaven, that exist with reason and freedom, we have a notion of the enormous size of the universe, and it seems that given our size, humans are too small,  in our earth, and even our galaxy to be the only intelligent life in that immensity. What n has to be understood is that the huge universe is enormous to us, but size is no problem for God creator, we must remember that he created (invented) sizes not only in the big stars and planets etc. but in microscopic life.
The influence of Christianity in philosophy and in general of the cultures and knowledge of the west world was definitive. Christian Morality from the third century on,  has a great incidence in the customs and concepts of family, marriage, the human person and its dignity, improving them in a strong manner, and with the discovery of the New World the colonies brought Christianity to most of the territories. This influence permeated every thing, the forms of government, education, religion included. God is since the third century for all the West World                        personal and benevolent we have a true theology and a religion that unites us to the Divinity. The faith, the morality, the love of God and its creatures along with true knowledge of our destiny and precedence is extended.
Jorge Casas y Sanchez

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