sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010


"In the beginning God created heaven and earth", with this phrase begins the biblical account, it is the first sentence of Genesis, and the first truth of Scripture, in the first book of the Bible. What is needed is to meditate carefully that before Creation all that existed was the Holy Trinity, there was nothing else.

 When we talk about creating something in everyday language, such as creations of man, we refer to issues that have "previous material", for example, the Privileged Church of the Sagrada Familia of arquitect Gaudi in Barcelona, or the most famous tower in the world,  the one of engineer Eiffel in  Paris, are human " creations "  made from previous materials, iron structures, stone, etc.  things are frowned upon, rather than creations they are transformations, by great genius, but "strictly speaking" only God's creation, which was made from scratch, from nothing, is the real Creation.

Previously it was only the spirit of triune God, and only the immeasurable power and limitless intelligence could carry out such work, and only his will keeps it in existence. Governs the millions of stars in a wonderful order, and in our world all things, from microscopic life and things to large masses of water or land with its millions of living beings, including the man who is on top of everything in this world . In the Catholic Creed the second sentence refers to this wonderful dogma that throws the bright light over our existence, and the existence of everything else, the spiritual beings, the angels, with all other material entities. And the human race, the case of man that is spirit and flesh.

For those who have Faith, this is a wonderful reality, that lets us see the falsehood of evolutionary theories, which are absolute materialism, which  claim that everything comes from a single starting material, and of course deny the man's spiritual component.  Mechanistic theories are false, due to human intelligence that is able to understand that matter is inferior to the spirit, that spirit is superior to matter and therefore the higher can not come from the lower. The world, the universe can not be uncaused, ie. cause of itself, it is by force or by necessity that it comes from something, something that has caused it. It´s creator, God all migthy.

The last part of creation is the human being, made in the image and likeness of God, a creature with intellect and will, with a soul created for eternity, a truth-seeking intelligence and a will seeking the good, which should give glory to God precisely using his freedom, God has willed it so, as men use their freedom to choose the grace to give to God. 

The rest of the Creation gives it, by the fact of it´s sole existence, the sparrow or the Tiger give grace God one or the other just being a sparrow or a tiger. But man was given the freedom to give it or not, and if yes, to get the grand prize prepared for us, and for eternity, or to deny it, and fall into eternal punishment.

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