Today we will be meditating about the core (essence) of christianity, not looking for a definition, but it´s real concept.
In the first place we should say that christianity is truth, IT IS THE TRUTH, it is the ligth that is needed to understand truly the worl and all its entities.specially: life, the human person, existance, our existance in particular looked with its authentic trascendence. The truth can not be extinguished because it would darken our spirit.
The church, our magister, assisted by the holy spirit is alwais our guide to the luminous way of our salvation.
there is no possible doubt since it is based on the divine revelation, without it we would be blind. Here the roll of our faith is of most importance, but the truth alone does not replenish our spirit, it is, yes, indispensable for our salvation and God in its wisdom does not deceive us and cannot deceive himself.
The human person needs RULES, norms that tell us how we should operate in this life, moral imperatives that inform us on what is rigth and what is wrong, besides our consciouness, as the compass tells the seaman if his course. We must remember that our fallen human nature is not alwais rigth and when we fail, there is the sacrament of forgiveness. For a moment imagine a world without ruling, it woul be caos.
But christianism not only is THE TRUTH AND THE RULING, wich are absolutly needed, and that in no way cancels our freedom, we have to remember that all freedom includes responsability in both ways in what is done to us and what we do to the others. as St. John evangelist tells us GOD IS LOVE and what comes from God is lovable, so all catholic norm proceeds from its kindness and mercy.
God creator has done every thing out of his love, we cannot find any other reason for the Creation; so love, God´s love, is in all things, specially the human creature, wich is created at his resemblance. but the CULMINATION OF GODS LOVE is in the incarnation of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity that came to live among us, to suffer to give us its example, to gain for us God´s fatherhood, to suffer it´s painfull Passion, to found it´s only Church, and leave us the Scriptures and tradition of the New Testament, the Gospel and in all the Revelation of the new alliance.
So as we see there is no real definition of catholisism, because we woul fall in a philosophic theory or an impersonal formula,christianism is the stated living Person of the LOVE OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST,who lived among us in mortal flesh, gave his Mother to us as our Mother, for all mankind, and resucitated gloriously as figure of our own resucitation.
Jorge Casas y Sánchez.
In the first place we should say that christianity is truth, IT IS THE TRUTH, it is the ligth that is needed to understand truly the worl and all its entities.specially: life, the human person, existance, our existance in particular looked with its authentic trascendence. The truth can not be extinguished because it would darken our spirit.
The church, our magister, assisted by the holy spirit is alwais our guide to the luminous way of our salvation.
there is no possible doubt since it is based on the divine revelation, without it we would be blind. Here the roll of our faith is of most importance, but the truth alone does not replenish our spirit, it is, yes, indispensable for our salvation and God in its wisdom does not deceive us and cannot deceive himself.
The human person needs RULES, norms that tell us how we should operate in this life, moral imperatives that inform us on what is rigth and what is wrong, besides our consciouness, as the compass tells the seaman if his course. We must remember that our fallen human nature is not alwais rigth and when we fail, there is the sacrament of forgiveness. For a moment imagine a world without ruling, it woul be caos.
But christianism not only is THE TRUTH AND THE RULING, wich are absolutly needed, and that in no way cancels our freedom, we have to remember that all freedom includes responsability in both ways in what is done to us and what we do to the others. as St. John evangelist tells us GOD IS LOVE and what comes from God is lovable, so all catholic norm proceeds from its kindness and mercy.
God creator has done every thing out of his love, we cannot find any other reason for the Creation; so love, God´s love, is in all things, specially the human creature, wich is created at his resemblance. but the CULMINATION OF GODS LOVE is in the incarnation of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity that came to live among us, to suffer to give us its example, to gain for us God´s fatherhood, to suffer it´s painfull Passion, to found it´s only Church, and leave us the Scriptures and tradition of the New Testament, the Gospel and in all the Revelation of the new alliance.
So as we see there is no real definition of catholisism, because we woul fall in a philosophic theory or an impersonal formula,christianism is the stated living Person of the LOVE OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST,who lived among us in mortal flesh, gave his Mother to us as our Mother, for all mankind, and resucitated gloriously as figure of our own resucitation.
Jorge Casas y Sánchez.