jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

VIRTUE OF CHARITY. In our human communication.

Lets start defining concepts Charity is not just giving a few  coins to the poor beggers, or when we     go to Mass, or filantrophy, both being very good humanitarian acts, that speak very well of whom do it. But they are acts of charity.
Charity is the overnatural love of God , and from it, the love of all human creatures. This is what distinguishes us catholics and what allow us to achive more perfection.
Charity is operative it is a deep act, not vane love, it is oriented to God. as the mother lives for its baby due to her love, similary we have to love God, as simple creatures love to our Creator,   and we will observe that out acts are motivated. Living the virtue of Charity intensifies our filiaton to God, intensifies our life  and behavior as what we are, sons of God.
This implys our way of speaking, we should do an introspection excercise  and ask ouselves: am I murmuring, or criticizing?, am I spreading rumors?, if so we migth be doing wrong and agaist charity, we should stay in our way of speaking as diciples of Christ, that tells us: “if you stay in my Word, you are in truth, my diciples and you will know the truth, and this verity will make you free. Our dialogue with God should be permanent, and this carries us to be prudent in our speaking, with and of the others. With God we do not need words, and with the others there are silences that express a lot.
When we talk, we not only transmit a message, in certain way we give ourselves. Our speaking talks of us, this is why we should do it  in a charitable way. Our talking must be always sincere, never untruth. Lying is the language of the hypocrites, is it not truth, that we want to be always authentic?, the falsehood undermines our social relations, it is attentive against the right of the others to know the actual, the truth. Who lies loves himself disorderly seeks to fool others and imply them in the false. Enough with what has been said, to be able to understand the enslaving connotation, for those who think that it is just to speak bad of whom deserves it. Pope Francicus tells us; “go, and pray for him (her)”.
Lets ask ourselves; am I motive of división in my environment, do I make comentaries or spread rumors? If so it drives to nothing good, and it migth  hurt someone inocent. Somebody said that the lies that we say are not just words that the wind will blow away, that they are something thay corrodes our inside.
Jesus Christ  prises Nicodemus when he said that in him there is not duplicity. And He teaches us, “your way of speaking must be yes, yes; no,no. What exede this comes from the evil one”. 
In the new Catechism of the Catholic Church the 2464 parograph says:
2464 The eighth commandment forbids misrepresenting the truth in our relations with others. This moral prescription flows from the vocation of the holy people to bear witness to their God who is the truth and wills the truth. Offenses against the truth express by word or deed a refusal to commit oneself to moral uprightness: they are fundamental infidelities to God and, in this sense, they undermine the foundations of the covenant. 
And parograph 2465 I. Living in the Truth 2465 The Old Testament attests that God is the source of all truth. His Word is truth. His Law is truth. His "faithfulness endures to all generations."254 Since God is "true," the members of his people are called to live in the truth.   
This takes us again to consider  that what is proper of the good catholic person is to deep in the truth in all its aspects concerned . For us the truth must be tireless search, all our life. Definitely we exercise the virtue of Charity if we do not talk about any thing of wich we are not sure that it is true. The good Christian does not have superior advantages, over the others, but higher responsabilities.                                     
We do not know how much bad can be done to any one by murmuring, even when it seems to be of minimum importance, its reach can be inimaginable, We cannot express properly with insults, the good use of language is appropiate, and it can be as hard as needeed. For example masked expressions like “interruption of pregnancy”,  can be expressed as criminal action, this is hard language, but truth in its real dimensión, and it is said with apropiate words.
It is convinient that that we consider that it is not enough, that an ítem is true, so as to be spread without consideration, we must live the fraternal love whe comunicating  things that are serious, we should try to convince with our arguments, properly presented, remembering that it is necessary to rectify when we have said somethingbthat needs to be clarified, due to not having been absolutly close to the truth or reality, shape or background.
Even information that is true must be spread with prudence and discretion, this will be more effective  that doing it as spread of rumor, specially in this times in wich the envoriment if full of rumors. Our supernatural sense in this field, will produce better results.
The truth that make us free does not simply consists  in the possession or transmisión of statements and news, about the actual things, it must bring us peace, not just respond to violence with violence, since there will be moments in wich we must look for ways to figth lies, and then the reconciliation language will have to be used , not giving any space to the untruth.
Jorge Casas y Sánchez.

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